5 Hacks to Beat Self-Doubt
Hey there, fellow writers!
Welcome to March! I don't know about you, but I'm SO ready for spring. We're still getting snow here in Utah, but the birds have started singing outside my window in the mornings, so it gives me hope that we'll thaw out soon!
As you may know, I'm self-publishing my debut novel, SAFEKEEPING, later this year. Not only that, but I'm having my first baby this June (!!!).
Suffice to say, this is going to be a busy year! March is especially crazy for me - I've got all sorts of publishing deadlines to meet this month, including the deadline to finish my final edits, which is in 5 DAYS!
Am I panicking a bit? Oh yes.
Especially considering the fact that I'm only about 1/3 of the way done.

You know, as a writer, it's really easy to look at the mountain of work I have left to do and feel discouraged. From there, it's easy to fall into the trap of self-doubt.
Is my story good enough to be published? Is anyone going to want to read it? Will anyone actually BUY it?
Heck, am I even qualified to write this thing?
Self-doubt is something I've actually really struggled with as a writer. I'm sure you can relate. Writers are supposed to be tortured souls, after all, right?
Here's the problem though. If you suffer from constant doubt about your abilities, your story, and your writing, it can really affect your creativity. Not only your creativity, but your ability to move forward in your career!
That's why I decided to discuss the topic this week on my #authortube account.
Over the years, I've found a few hacks to help beat self-doubt and keep my writing momentum going.
Watch the video to learn more!